About The Healthy Bra Company
Maria Monti, Professional Postural
Therapist and Custom Bra Technician screens and qualifies each customer to tailor her fitting experience with her bra support and function needs as well as to her health needs. She has personally trained all of her fitters and coaches them how to meet your needs. She will assign you a fitting opportunity and a fitter.
Offering a new concept in selecting foundation garments. Start with a consultation with a Postural Therapist about your unique body type, breast type and posture. Together you can create a plan to address lifelong BRA issues. Set a personalized BRA fitting appointment with this Postural Therapist in a respectful setting. Enjoy a thorough fitting with your unique features discussed, with specific options made available to be tried on, and matched to your own clothing. Discover what a properly fitted foundation garment can do for you. And, feel fabulous!

Our Expertise
Since that fateful meeting, I started wearing custom-fitted, custom-altered bras that were made and fitted for my body type.
As a Postural Therapist, I endorsed the therapeutic benefits of these specially designed bras, and offered seminars regarding these fabulous FUNCTIONAL FOUNDATION GARMENTS.
Our Commitment
We promise to take you from start to finish in a very personalized way. We believe that a garment worn by many women 8-15 hours a day, needs guided fitting attention, in a manner that has not been addressed satisfactorily, in a mainstream buying situation, either in-person or online, today.